[Seaside] Re: calls within Children components

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at allresnet.com
Thu Jul 30 19:10:19 UTC 2009

Kevin Lacobie wrote:
> Thanks Julian,
> Here's a quick test case I whipped out, demonstrating my current child 
> problem, in IBISTestView.  I'm sure I'm missing something obvious ...

Look at your render..

renderContentOn: html
   html paragraph: [html anchor callback: [self edit]; with: myDoc title].
   myDoc docs do: [:each |
	   childview := IBISTestView new doc: each.
	   self children add: childview.
	   html render: childview

You're modifying the state of the component in a render, you can't do 
that.  You need to add children before the render phase.  You should do 
this all in initialize.  Restrict yourself to creating new views to 
either in a callback, or in initialization and you'll avoid such issues.

Ramon Leon

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