[Seaside] Instead of "?=_s ... &_k= ..." I have a # in the Url

Paul DeBruicker pdebruic at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 20:41:47 UTC 2009

Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> I'm sure I've messed something up.  What can I try to discover and remedy
>> the cause?
> Could it be that you accidentally added the JQAjaxifierLibrary to the
> configuration application?

Thanks.  I had JQAjaxifierLibrary deliberately added before, and it 
seemed to have worked just fine for months until a few days ago. 
Removing it and resetting the environment solved my unintentional 
malformed Url problem and the _s and _k parameters are back.

There are now two javascript errors in Firebug, 'Invalid label' and 
'onLoad is not defined'  The page still renders without the jQuery 
accordions, dialogs, tabs. Its probably just an error I've recently 
created in a #script: or #html: tag.

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