[Seaside] WASystemConfiguration

Ramiro Diaz Trepat ramiro at diaztrepat.name
Thu Oct 1 07:42:59 UTC 2009

This is an easy one I guess.  Indeed it may be solved in a number of ways, I
just wanted to ask what is the standard way.I guess this is a standard set
up issue to solve with WASystemConfiguration subclasses for anyone
developing with Seaside.

If I have resources on a server, in a simple structure like:


but for development I just use komanche and WAFileLibrary, which holds all
resources in a single "virtual" path:


Then, in my root component I would like to have something like

RootComponent>>updateRoot: anHtmlRoot
    super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot.

    "in case i am in dev"
    anHtmlRoot stylesheet url: MyFileLibrary / #styleCss

   "in case i am in prod another path"

Should I try to get which subclass of WASystemConfiguration is installed and
build the relative path inside #updateRoot:  ?
Or is there a different way to sort this out?
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