[Seaside] [ANN] Inplace editor for jQuery

Johan Brichau johan.brichau at uclouvain.be
Wed Oct 7 08:07:01 UTC 2009


That is cool, thanks!

Just my luck... I was busy creating a wrapper for the following in- 
place editor just last night: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-in-place-editor/
But it does not work yet, mainly because I'm not getting the callback  
to work correctly. However, I would like to learn what goes wrong  
since I'm also creating other wrappers for jQuery plugins (which I  
will publish soon too).

This is where I'm stuck: I do not know how to map the POST arguments  
from the request onto the parameters of the callback block.

Upon changing the text, this plugin will execute the following code:

	url: settings.url,
	type: "POST",
	data: settings.update_value + ''='' + new_html + ''&'' +  
settings.element_id + ''='' + original_element.attr("id") +  
settings.params + ''&'' + settings.original_html + ''='' +  
	dataType: "html",
	complete: function(request){
	editing = false;
	click_count = 0;

I provide  'settings.url' as the following string to the jQuery plugin:

onChange: aBlock
	self url: (self renderContext actionUrl copy
						addParameter: (self renderContext callbacks
													store: (WAValueCallback on: aBlock))) asString.

but the 'aBlock' callback does not get the params.

Any pointers are highly appreciated!


On 07 Oct 2009, at 02:20, Damien Cassou wrote:

> Hi,
> Lukas and I have written a wrapper for a jQuery inplace editor
> (http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable). You can download it at
> http://www.squeaksource.com/Seaside29Addons/JQuery-EditablePlugin-DamienCassou.3.mcz
> -- 
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
> popular by not having them." James Iry
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Johan Brichau
johan.brichau at uclouvain.be

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