[Seaside] Re: Deploying a big Squeak/Pharo Seaside application

Gerardo Richarte gera at corest.com
Sat Sep 19 16:37:18 UTC 2009

Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> After ESUG talks I was imagining a way to deploy big seaside
> applications. Something like this architecture:
> SqueakNOS
> SqueakVM
> Image: The KernelImage that Pavel did. For Pharo it is something like
> 3MB I think. If you add morphic you can then use the VNC and I think
> it is 5MB. Then we should load there seaside, the dependencies and all
> of our code.
Heh, I love the idea, but saddly, I have to say, that if it's for
performance, this would not be my chosen option... not at all :(

Squeak: slow interpreted VM, at least until something better sees the light.
VMWare: adds an extra layer of resource management to the OS, inevitably
slows things down
SqueakNOS: Not the fastest OS you'll see out there, even if we had a fast VM

In any case, a better scenario would be just using SqueakNOS, no OS, no
VMWare, and serve multiple apps from the same seaside, however,
SqueakNOS is not ready for this, at all today, for it lacks support for
most network cards and hard disks, to start with.

For fast Seaside hosting I would recomend either VisualWorks or, of
course, Gemsstone/GLASS. You can find performance graphs for GLASS in
Dale's blog, and although I have not seen any VisualWorks graphs I guess
that's going to be good too. And probably the same goes for
VisualSmalltalk, although there is no supported Seaside for Visual
Smalltalk :)

Again, I still like a lot the idea, and hopefully in the future we can
come back to it and make it real, but today, I'm totally sorry to be me
who has to say that SqueakNOS is not an option :(


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