[Seaside] Re: really simple JQuery slider/widget example without the support of the test classes?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Wed Aug 4 06:29:24 UTC 2010

On 8/3/2010 11:14 PM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> You can copy and paste that example, there are no other dependencies
> but the inst-var 'current' that you should initialize with a number.

I think he might be looking for this:


I ran into the same issue; it is decided non-obvious that the creation 
of a component on the welcome page "magically" works but that there's no 
trace in the resulting code that reveals what one must do to to perform 
the equivalent action in code somewhere (i.e., if you create the very 
same class by hand "it doesn't work").

I do understand why this stuff works the way it works but I think 
clarity could be dramatically improved by having something that makes 
the necessary registration explicit. Could be as simple as having the 
registration in the class initialization of components created on the 
welcome page - I certainly would've found that.

   - Andreas

> On Wednesday, August 4, 2010, Lawson English<lenglish5 at cox.net>  wrote:
>> can anyone point to me a REALLY simple transitional example on how to implement a JQuery slider? Something along the lines of the webcoiunter example in the seaside book that holds my hand the entire way?
>> something like http://demo.seaside.st/javascript/jquery-ui/sliderwidget  with the detail of http://www.seaside.st/about/examples/counter
>> [
>>   I can't figure out how to apply the JQSliderFunctionalTest>>renderContentOn:  method to something that doesn't have the infrastructure of the test class hierarchy  behind it.
>> MyTestSlider>>renderContentOn: html
>>     html div script: (html jQuery new slider
>>        value: current;
>>        onChange: (html jQuery ajax
>>           callback: [ :value | current := value asNumber ]
>>           value: (html jQuery this slider getValue)))
>> doesn't work as I haven't a clue what extra methods are required to implement the functionality of the example and I can't wrap my head about the multiple layers of the hierarchy to figure out how the different widgets are plugged into the sample page...
>> Thanks.
>> Lawson
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