[Seaside] Re: Differences in calling render: from ajax?

Tim Mackinnon tamackinnon at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 12:32:50 UTC 2010

On 2010-08-12 13:01:40 +0100, Tim Mackinnon said:

> ajaxReplaceWith: aJSQuery
> 	^ (aJSQuery id: myId) replaceWith: [ :r | r render: self ]

digging a bit more - I wonder (and this is maybe naiive) if the answer 
is in JSQuery>>render:on: where it uses a render context with a new 
document. I'm wondering if the context in this case is unaware that 
this is a component inside something that we need to re-render???

I'm getting into new territory here, so may be way off base.


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