[Seaside] handling expired sessions

Frank Shearar frank.shearar at angband.za.org
Thu Jun 17 08:49:42 UTC 2010

On 2010/06/17 09:04, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
> MySession>>expire
>    super expire.
>    self redirectTo: 'http://yoursiteaddress'
> to redisplay an expired session.

That's been deprecated.

The deprecation notice says this:

"This method might be reimplemented again. In the meantime, if you just 
want to remove the Session from the Application, use 
WASession>>unregister (#unregistered will be called as a notification 
instead of #expired). Otherwise you should consider adding a Request 
Filter to the Session that implements whatever behaviour you want in 
order to block access to the Session."

(No, I'm afraid I can't yet turn that into more meaningful advice!)


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