[Seaside] Triggering action an an element

Timothy James Ziebart timothy at churchmilitant.org
Wed Jun 23 04:57:31 UTC 2010

Hi All, 

I've setup the following jQSelectable unordered list that functions

html unorderedList
script:(html jQuery new selectable
onSelected:(html jQuery ajax
callback:[:value | self gotoPage: value first asNumber]
passengers:(html jQuery this find: '.ui-selected');
script:[:script | 
script << ((html jQuery id: #resultsAndMap) load serializeThis;
html:[:r | self renderMapAndRecordsOn: r])]));
self pageCount do:[:each |
html listItem
id: ('myItem', each greaseString);
class: 'ui-corner-all';
class: 'ui-selected' if: (pager pageIndex = each );
passenger: each;
with: each]]].

What I need to do is add a button like "Next", for convenience, to
select the next listItem.  I thought the following would do the trick
but it is not working.

html heading level3;
onClick:((html jQuery id: ('myItem', pageIndex)) triggerSelect )

I tried Trigger:  'click' and another number of variations.  Does anyone
have a suggestion for how I can make it work?

Thank you.


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