[Seaside] Seaside 3 in VisualWorks 7.7

Alberto Bacchelli alberto.bacchelli at usi.ch
Wed Mar 10 21:44:42 UTC 2010

Thanks Julian,

in the meantime I detail how I found the issue so it will be easier to 
detect the problem.

- Using vw 7.7 I loaded the seaside parcel shipped with visualworks (I 
also tried with the last version of seaside in the cincom store 
experiencing the same problem)
- I subclassed WASession with MySession and override #new in the 
following way:
		Transcript show: 'new session' ; cr.
		^super new
- I set my application to use MySession instead of WASession

With the above configuration, when I refresh the page I get 'new 
session' on the transcript.


On 3/10/10 9:55 PM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
> Hi Alberto,
> Certainly not an intended behaviour. :) The cross-posting is fine.
> I haven't heard any similar reports so let's see if anyone can
> identify it as VW-specific and, if not, we'll have to dig further into
> your setup to see if we can isolate the problem.
> Julian

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