[Seaside] Re: I have installed the Seaside 'One Click Image' and Pharo 1.0

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Mon May 3 15:41:46 UTC 2010

> It looks like I need very basic help. First, which list should I go to
> answer
> your post. I don't see a threaded list, the archives are not answerable (I
> see
> my post there). the list at gmane is not where I initially posted the
> message.
Weird...i have just forwarded the email.

> Now to the meat of the problem - appears that Pharo is running Seaside2.8.
> For example when I start the server via
> <code>
> WAComancheAdaptor startOn: 8080.

Maybe I am wrong, but I think that WAComancheAdaptor is ONLY in Seaside 3.0.
So...it should be running Seaside 3.0

> WAAdmin register: WebCounter asApplicationAt: 'webcounter'
> </code>
> and attempt to open http://localhost:8080/seaside I get the error:
> <error>
> Internal Server Error
> WAError: My subclass should have overridden #handleFiltered:
> KomHttpServer/7.1.2 (unix) Server at 'localhost' Port 8080
> </error>
> which indicates to me that 2.8 is active, and not 3.0

Why ? I ask just for ignorance.

> When I 'doit' the following recommended by Mariano:
> <code>
> (Smalltalk at: #Gofer) new    squeaksource:
> 'MetacelloRepository';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside';
> load.
> ConfigurationOfSeaside project latestVersion load: 'Seaside 3.0'
> </code>
> there is no error messages that I see, I sill get the 'Internal Server
> Error'
> described above.
I think you have a weird problem. One of the things I hate more about
seaside (it is a detail, thus) is that when you try to start it in a port
that has already been started in another image, instead of raising an error,
it just do nothing. So....if you have ANOTHER image opened and running in
8080, be aware that when you go to http://localhost:8080/seaside   you will
go to the opened image, and not the last one. So...my advice is:  close ALL
opened pharo images. Take a pharo 1.0 CLEAN, evaluate the following:

Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside';

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside) project latestVersion load: 'Seaside

And then start Seaside in another port, let's say 8888:

WAComancheAdaptor startOn: 8888

Of course you can do this also from the Seaside Control Panel, that can be
found in the menu -> "Tools" -> "more" -> "Seaside control panel"

And then go to: http://localhost:8888/ or  http://localhost:8888/seaside/

Did this work ?

 Now,when I open Monticello while on Pharo, and I see that Seaside
> Development
> history says 'Ancestors: Seaside-Development lr.133, the repository frame
> of
> Monticello says 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Seaside30.
> Sorry for trouble, and I hope I can get past this problem
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