[Seaside] Installing and testing Seaside 2.8.4, Magritte and Pier in Pharo 1.1

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Sun May 16 16:15:41 UTC 2010

Hi seasideers. I was loading all this stuff of PharoCore 1.1 and see if
everything seems to be working. At this is the case :)
However, I have 2 tests with errors and this is due to send to BlockClosure
>> fixTemps which is deprecated in Pharo 1.1
The fix is easy, just remove the send of fixTemps, but I am not sure the
impact of this in other dialects. But would be cool not to have the
deprecated warning when loading.

The places are Amb >> oneOf: aCollection
and Amb >> valueOfOneOf: blockCollection

Then I have two failing but I don't understand why:

WABacktrackingTest >> testOrderedCollection

I don't know why here, but after "original removeLast."  snapshot has the
elements "1" and "nil" instead of "1" and "2", and thus, it fails in self
assert: original asArray = #(1 2)

The other is:

WABacktrackingTest >> testDictionary

It is failing in "self assert: (original at: 1 ifAbsent: []) = #a."
because original shows ->   a Dictionary(2->#b 3->#d )

I know your effort is now in Seaside3 but having all green tests with Pharo
1.1 would be really cool :)

Last thing, if you want to test it, just take a PharoCore 1.1 image, for


And then evaluate:

(Smalltalk at: #Gofer) new
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside';

ConfigurationOfSeaside project latestVersion load: 'Seaside 2.8'.

and run tests :)


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