[Seaside] JQuery Slider

Timothy James Ziebart timothy at churchmilitant.org
Wed May 19 20:44:26 UTC 2010

Hi all,  looking for some suggestions.  I have implemented the following 

html div id: 'o_left';

      html textInput id: 'pricemax'.
      html textInput id: 'pricemin'.

      html div script: (html jQuery new slider
          range: true;
          step: 50000;
          min: 0;
          max: 5000000;
          values: prices;
          orientation: 'horizontal';
          onSlide: (html jQuery ajax
              callback: [:value | |var|
                  var := value findTokens: ','.
                  model priceMax: (var at: 2) asNumber.
                  model priceMin: (var at: 1) asNumber.
              value:(html jQuery this slider option: 'values')))].

The slider has two handles and with the above code does update the 
priceMax and priceMin successfully.  Where I am having troubles is how 
to implement the updating of the two html text inputs while sliding.   I 
am still trying to get a better understanding of JQuery and its 
implementation in Seaside 3.0.

Thank you for the help.


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