[Seaside] [ANN] new versions of Seaside30 configurations released

Dale Henrichs dhenrich at vmware.com
Thu Nov 11 21:54:17 UTC 2010

ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2 version '2.0.7' released.
ConfigurationOfPier2 version '2.0.7' released.
ConfigurationOfMagritte2 version '2.0.6' released.
ConfigurationOfGrease version '1.0.1' released.
ConfigurationOfSeaside30 version '3.0.1' released.
ConfigurationOfKomHttpServer version '1.0.6' released.

Tested against:

   - GLASS 1.0-beta8.4
   - Squeak4.1
   - Pharo1.0
   - Pharo1.1.1-11414

All tests are green except on Squeak4.1 where 
MAExtensionsTest>>testTimePrintOn: is failing ... the 
Time>>print24:showSeconds:on: prints milliseconds in addition to 
seconds, so presumably this is a minor error.


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