[Seaside] Ajax file upload with XHRRequest and iframe fallback

Bart Veenstra bart.veenstra at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 13:43:26 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I managed to get a Ajax file uploade using XMLHttpRequests and iFrame
callback working in seaside using the http://valums.com/ajax-upload/library.

As of now, I managed to get it working on Firefox 3.6, but IE and Chrome are
still a bit wierd (the file gets uploaded, but the successfull json response
is not handled correctly.

Screenshot before uploading: http://ScrnSht.com/ywmtod
Screenshot after uploading 2 files: http://ScrnSht.com/lexnyu.

API example:
renderDemoOn: html
         (html div)
script: ((html jQuery this fileUploader)
callback: [:aFile | self files add:
aFile. JQWidgetBox.JQFileUploaderResponse success];
allowedExtensions: #(#jpg #jpeg #png #gif);
sizeLimit: 102400000;
onSubmit: (html jQuery ajax script: [:s | s << (s jQuery id: #status)
append: [:h | h text: 'Submitting imaged'. h break]]);
onComplete: (html jQuery ajax script: [:s |
s << (s jQuery id: #status) append: [:h | h text: 'Image saved'. h break].
s << (s jQuery id: #images) html: [:h | self files do: [:file | self
renderFile: file on: h]]]);
parameters: Seaside.GRSmallDictionary new);
html: '<noscript><p>Oops, I need javascript to work.</p></noscript>'].
html div id: #status.
html div id: #images

renderFile: file on: html
html paragraph: [ html image width: 100; height: 100; document: file
rawContents mimeType: file contentType greaseString]

To get this working I had to change the requestFieldsFor: aNativeRequest
method in the SeasideMarshaler for it to handle the XHR upload correctly.
This breaks the rest of my applications, when using JQuery ajax post

requestFieldsFor: aNativeRequest

| fields |
fields := Seaside.WARequestFields new.
(aNativeRequest isMultipart or: [aNativeRequest isBinary])
ifTrue: [ self postEncodedDataFrom: aNativeRequest keysAndValuesDo: [:key
:value | fields at: key add: value ] ]
ifFalse: [ self urlEncodedDataFrom: aNativeRequest contents keysAndValuesDo:
[:key :value | fields at: key add: value ] ].

I feel like a bull in a china shop when making these changes, but worked for
me for Firefox. Chrome and IE use multipart uploads (WHY CAN'T ALL BROWSERS

Upload response not handled correctly in Chrome and IE.

Would anybody be interested helping me with getting this to work on all
modern browsers?

I plan to put this in the JQuery Widgetbox package on Pharo (as well as my
other JQWidgetBOx plugins like JQGrid with editing functionality, JSTree and
JQAddress for history support in ajax applications (screenshot at:
http://ScrnSht.com/afrqgq. This is a dutch dating website I am creating in
seaside :D. Don't mind the content, look at the goodies :) ) )

Also, I would like to learn more on how to share my VW JQuery plugins to
Pharo. I anyone willing to help me with porting those? I can setup a public
VW repository holding those plugins or put it in the cincom public repos).

The JQFileUploaded is available in the Cincom Public Repository:

Packages required:


Feel free to contact me anytime.

Kind regards,

Bart Veenstra
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