[Seaside] Re: I would like to attach an onClick event according to

Fritz Schenk intrader.intrader at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 23:19:41 UTC 2011

I agree that your are failing to see the problem. I have the most efficient way 
to to what I want given by the JavaScript:
<most direct way to do this>
$('#external_links a').click(function() {
    return confirm('You are going to visit: ' + this.href);
</most direct way to do this>
And I can't do it in Seaside without having to take care of special requirements 
about strings in the click method (onClick)

<the direct way does not work>
html button
onClick: ((html jQuery expression: '#external_links a') onClick: 'return 
confirm("You are going to visit: "+ this.href)');
with: 'Attach Click'.
</the direct way does not work>
If does not work because the onClick message enclosed the whole argument in 
double quotes, sand the converts single quotes to double quotes (incorrectly) 
with the
<resulting incorrect javascript>
<button onclick="$("#external_links a").click(function(){return confirm("You are 
going to visit: "+ this.href)})" type="submit" class="submit">Attach 
</resulting incorrect javascript)
So think about it and write it in Seaside in a short, concise, and 'say it in 
Seaside' mode.
<I have tried>
	html button
		onClick: ((html jQuery expression: selector)
				onClick: 'return confirm("You are going to 
visit: "+ this.href)');
		 with: 'Attach Click'
</I have tried>
with select set to 'external_links a', but with the same bad result (nested 
double quotes).

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