[Seaside] Need help fixing my image

Norbert Hartl norbert at hartl.name
Tue Jan 4 10:52:10 UTC 2011

On 03.01.2011, at 20:55, Lukas Renggli wrote:

>>> SIXX doesn't scale.
>> Why not? Where do you see the problem?
> The problem is size and subsequently it takes a very long time to read
> and write. Even for small sites you end up with megabytes of XML.
You are right. XML is always very chatty. Having an oververbose format in string and a resource intensive representation like DOM does not help when you are looking at scalability. To me scalability includes cross-platform handling as well. So there is less choice than to use the most reliable format/protocol available. And that seems to be XML with an utf-X encoding.

> At the time I tried to use SIXX (admittedly this is many years ago)
> then XML parser couldn't read properly such large files.

The xml parser that we used to have and the one we have now have less in common. The actual one is pretty good. And there is a talented developer that cares a lot about improving things. If there are still problems I promise he is all ears.


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