[Seaside] Seaside authentication/login/user account package

AxiNat tibabenfortlapalanca at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 10:29:01 UTC 2011

Hi Tony and list,

I'm using your TFLogin package and must say it's a very useful piece of
work. Every app I coded needed most features yor package provides, and it's
really convenient to have them ready made.

However, it is almost impossible to style its components because of
inconsistencies in CSS classes and IDs, some components even have styles
hardcoded in the rendering methods, which makes the styling process very
tiresome for a designer. In some cases there's no other solution but to
change the Smalltalk code or to use really ugly CSS/JS hacks. I really like
your package, but I think a good refactoring focusing on breaking huge
methods into smaller ones and structuring elements into divs and spans with
their IDs and classes where needed would make it much easily pluggable.

An example:

*TLRegisterComponent >> renderContentOn:*
*self useRecaptchaInRegistrationForm ifTrue: [*
* html tableRow: [*
* html tableData *
* colSpan: 2;*
* style: 'padding: 10px;';  "This should be the designer's choice, not the
* id: 'registercaptcha';*
* with: captchaComponent]].*

Another example:

*TFForgotPasswordComponent >> renderContentOn:*
* html form*
* class: 'forgotpasswordform';*
* with: [ *
* html text: 'Enter your username below and we will send an email message to
you that will allow you to set a new password.'; break.  "It is impossible
for a designer to add a vertical space between these two lines, as there are
no divs or spans defined and the br element doesn't allow almost any
styling. Even using a paragraph would work better"*
* html text: 'Username '.*
* html textInput*
* id: 'forgotpasswordusername';*
* callback: [ :v |*
* self sendEmail: v ].*
* html break. *
* html button*
* id: 'forgotpasswordokbtn';*
* callback: [*
* self answer ];*
* with: 'Ok']*

I hope you consider these suggestions as constructive criticism, if you need
help refactoring or deciding what the CSS structure should look like please
do not hesitate contacting me, I'll be glad to help :)


Bernat Romagosa.
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