[Seaside] Using a filter to commit changes to Magma

Sebastian Sastre sebastian at flowingconcept.com
Sun Jan 30 17:04:17 UTC 2011

I've done something similar but not for magma

to do it (programmatically) I've done this:

hack this:

WASession>>forContext: aRequestContext

	^ self new initializeForContext: aRequestContext 

so you then can do this:

YourSession>>initializeForContext: aRequestContext

	| database |

	super initializeForContext: aRequestContext.  "<-- if needed"

	database := self databaseForContext: aRequestContext.

	database exists
		ifTrue:[self addFilter: (FLTransactionFilter onDatabase: database)]
		ifFalse:[self onUnrecognizableDatabaseFor: aRequestContext]



On Jan 30, 2011, at 2:47 PM, nicolas.oury at gmail.com wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to write my first serious seaside application, and I am trying to wrap all requests to the application into a 
> Magma transaction. (As a first simple scheme)
> I have written a new class MagmaFilter, subclassing WARequestFilter, with a request handler that wraps the request into a commit, just after a refresh.
> (I will figure out how to handle conflicts later)
> I would like to install this filter into my application, but it is not shown as a possible Filter in the configuration panel.
> Should I do something special in order to make it appear?
> Is there a way of adding it programmatically?
> Thank you very much for your help,
> Best regards,
> Nicolas.
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