[Seaside] Ajax and error management

Thierry Thelliez thierry.thelliez.tech at gmail.com
Fri May 13 20:50:15 UTC 2011

While I successfully created my first JQuery modal dialog, I
encountered two issues regarding exception management:

===1===  At one point I had a bug in my code (I know, this never
happens ;-). The component rendering the dialog did not seem to
respond to user input.  Inspecting with Firebug, I found that the
server (GLASS) was returning a 505.  But the debugger (Seaside
Walkback html page) was not displayed.  Now, I understand that this is
an issue that has to do with Javascript exception handling.  But how
do you do that in Seaside?

In other words, the code below works.  But do you have any code
example on how to manage exception should my 'myComponent' not behave?

html div
      id: (html nextId);
      script: (html jQuery new dialog
         	html: myComponent;
         	title: 'Title';
	height: 180;
	width: 420;
         	resizable: false;
	autoOpen: false;
         	modal: true).
html anchor
      	url: '#';
	onClick: (( html jQuery id: html lastId) dialog open );
	with: 'Test'

===2=== Likewise, I got a 403 when leaving my first calling page
opened for a while. I mean that attempting to open the above dialog
does not work anymore after a time that I think is the session
expiration.  I guess that the link under 'Test' calls
jquery/javascript, but then the javascript refers to a continuation
that is expired. (BTW, I am using Seaside 3.0 and GLASS).

Again, I would like to be able to intercept such exception/error and
provide something more user friendly.  Right now the dialog opens a
blank dialog.


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