[Seaside] Repainting during AJAX callbacks

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs boris at deepcovelabs.com
Wed May 25 19:38:39 UTC 2011


Here's a slightly more explicit framework-less approach that seemed to work well for us in a proof-of-concept implementation while keeping fine-grained control over the scripts,

SignInForm>>renderContentOn: html
(html anchor)
 onClick: html jQuery ajax serializeForm , (html jQuery ajax script: [:js | self session announce: (SignedIn script: js)]);
 with: #SignIn << #orca >> 'Sign In'.

 self session when: SignedIn do: [:ev | ev script << (ev script jQuery id: 'orca-ss-balance') html: [:r | r render: self]].
Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: seaside-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org [mailto:seaside-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Runar Jordahl
Sent: 25 May 2011 15:24
To: Seaside - general discussion
Subject: Re: [Seaside] Repainting during AJAX callbacks

David explains his framework for repainting Seaside components in an earlier post:

2010/9/3 C. David Shaffer <cdshaffer at acm.org>:
> Here's the problem: During an AJAX callback (request, update or 
> script) sometimes a component unrelated to the one making the callback 
> needs to be repainted.  Normally this happens as the result of an announcement.
> While announcements serve to decouple the components they also prevent 
> the source of the announcement from knowing to cause this other 
> component to paint.
> Basically this motivates using Comet but I don't like Comet and find 
> that I don't need Comet's level of "server push" for any of my 
> applications.  What I need is simply the way tack a little extra 
> javascript on the end of AJAX calls...
> My solution: Repaintable in the Cincom Public Store Repository.  (This 
> package uses JQuery.)  It is a very simple framework so easily 
> abandoned if it is the wrong thing to do :-)  Here's how it works:  
> Components subclass RPRepaintable (or you merge RPRepaintable's 
> methods into your component hierarchy if that isn't possible).  You 
> must also use RPSession or a subclass as your session class for your application.
> When a component wants to append javascript onto the end of the 
> current response to an AJAX request it:

I am wondering if anyone ported "Repaintable" to Pharo? Or are there other alternatives that I can use.

Wouldn't it make sense to support this "out-of-the-box" in Seaside?

Kind regards
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