[Seaside] [VW7.8NC] - How to display a News ticker on the bottom of a screen

Robert Sirois watchlala at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 14 15:29:03 UTC 2011

renderContentOn: html	| string | string := (String streamContents: [:s | self latestNewsHeadlines asStringOn: s delimiter: ' | ' ]).		html div		id: #container;		style: 'overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; width: 500px; margin: 10px; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px;';		with: [ html div id: #marquee; style: 'position: relative; left: 505px'; with: string ].
	html document addLoadScript: (((html jQuery: #marquee) animate duration: (string size * 60); left: '-=', (string size * 6.5) asString, 'px') onComplete: (html jQuery ajax script: [:s | s add: (self loopOn: s) ])).
loopOn: html	| js string |	js := JSScript new.	" get new headlines "	string := (String streamContents: [:s | self latestNewsHeadlines asStringOn: s delimiter: ' | ' ]).		js add: ((html jQuery: #container) html: [:r | r div id: #marquee; style: 'position: relative; left: 505px'; with: string ]).		js add: (((html jQuery: #marquee) animate duration: (string size * 60); left: '-=', (string size * 6.5) asString, 'px') onComplete: (html jQuery ajax script: [:s | s add: (self loopOn: s) ])).		^js.
	^'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eleifend vestibulum neque, vel aliquam erat viverra eu. Nunc convallis congue eros, ut dignissim odio ullamcorper vitae. Sed pretium urna non justo varius vel interdum nibh aliquet. Proin rhoncus molestie nibh, sit amet blandit mi placerat id. Proin a leo quis turpis ultrices interdum. Etiam sed elit at justo faucibus fringilla. Nunc sit amet augue sit amet magna vulputate fermentum eu et nisi. Donec luctus mauris eu neque placerat hendrerit.' substrings asOrderedCollection.
The easing is kinda obnoxious imo.
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 09:59:13 -0400
From: arning at charm.net
To: seaside at lists.squeakfoundation.org
Subject: Re: [Seaside] [VW7.8NC] - How to display a News ticker on the bottom	of a screen


    This is a start, but it's a bit jumpy. I'll
      poke around a bit more.


      renderContentOn: html


          | id longString |


          longString _ String streamContents: [ :strm |

              1 to: 100 do: [ :i | strm nextPutAll: '   ',i asString,'.
      Info for this item.'].


          html div    

              id: (id _ html nextId);            


      'right: -21000px;

      left: 0px;

      bottom: 0;

      z-index: 20;

      padding: 2px;

      position: fixed;

      text-align: left;

      background-color: #eee;

      border-top: 1px solid #aaa;

      height: 18px;

      overflow: hidden;';

              with: [

                  html span    

                      style: 'font-size: 14px;';

                      with: longString.



          html document addLoadScript: ((html jQuery: id asSymbol)
      animate duration: 100*1000; easing: 'linear'; left: '-=10000px').





    On 10/14/11 7:51 AM, Dobbelstein, R. wrote:
            am new to this group and new to Seaside.
            am trying to implement a kind of Slideshow in which the
            upper part of the screen displays several "slides"
            sequentially whereby the contents is dynamic. The lower part
            (consisting of one line of text) should display a News
            ticker scrolling from right to left and it
            should continue to do so even when the upper half of the
            screen changes.
            source for the news ticker woould be the headlines of an
            ideas how I can accomplish this? Code snippets or examples
            are very much appriated.


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