[Seaside] Re: VM runs out of memory loading package

Charles Monteiro charles at nycsmalltalk.org
Tue Sep 13 21:00:47 UTC 2011

Charles Monteiro <charles <at> nycsmalltalk.org> writes:

> Dale Henrichs <dhenrich <at> vmware.com> writes:
> Nope, using instructions from latest Seaside book.
> But I will certainly follow what you have there.
> thanks
> -Charles

Those instructions ask me to employ the GemTools launcher but I don't seem to 
find it from within the Glass appliance I downloaded.

Or do you mean for me to do this:

MCPlatformSupport commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: [
        Gofer project load: 'GsMisc' version: '0.236'.
        Gofer project load: 'GsSOAP' version: '0.232'.
        Gofer project load: 'Seaside28' version: ''.
        Gofer project load: 'Seaside28Examples' version: '2.8'.
        Gofer project load: 'GsSeasideTesting28' version: '1.0'.
        Gofer project load: 'GsSqueakSource' version: '2.0-alpha.3'.
        Gofer project load: 'Magritte' version: ''.
        Gofer project load: 'GsScaffolding' version: '1.0'.
        Gofer project load: 'Pier' version: ''.
        Gofer project load: 'GsSeasideTesting28' version: '1.0' group: #( 
'PierTesting' ).
        Gofer project load: 'PierAddOns' version: '1.0.2'.
                on: Warning
                do: [:ex | ex resume ]].

and ignore the GemClient stuff

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