[Seaside] Dynamic Web Development with Seaside, Monticello

blake dsblakewatson at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 21:02:20 UTC 2012

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Lukas Renggli <renggli at gmail.com> wrote:
> Categories and packages are independent entities, when you create one the
> other one is not created automatically. They are connected through
> PackageInfo by a naming convention.

Right, that's what I gathered. And that's obviously the part that's
missing, but I don't see a step whereby the WebCounter package is
connected to the WebCounter category.

> Not sure what you refer to as package browser? What version of Pharo are you
> using?

Pharo 1.3

In the Monticello Browser, I've added the repository
"C:\dev\sources\st" and that appears in the right-hand pane. (On the
left I have the WebCounter() package amongst all the others.) I click
on the "C:\dev\sources\st" and select "add to package..." and a list
of packages come up.

I thought I was supposed to select the WebCounter package from that.
But that doesn't really make sense. (Wouldn't that be "add package


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