[Seaside] How to use PTFactory>>evaluator for select list entry (beginners question)

Sabine Knöfel sabine.knoefel at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 10:45:42 UTC 2012


I have 2 lists "ListA" and "ListB" and I want to follow "ListB" after
This means if I select a value in "listA", "listB" (which is in another
Form) should update automatically.

I have to use PTFactory>>evaluator, because I want to update more than one
DOM elememts later.

I succeed in *hiding* ListB after changing selection of ListA.
But do not know what to send instead of "hide" for updating ListB with
selection of ListA.

The value to select should be stored in an instance variable "numb". This
was working, when using "html scriptaculous updater" instead of "prototype
evaluator". After changing the code to use evaluator, the callback does not
work anymore.

renderListAOn: html
        form: [
            html select
                id: 'listAID';
                list: #('1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6');
                selected: numb;
                callback: [ :value | self numb: value ];
                        (html prototype evaluator
                                callback: [ :script |
                                            script prototype element id:
'listBID'.    "hide"
                                            numb inspect ];
                                return: false) ]
renderListBOn: html
    html form
        id: 'formB';
        with: [
                    html select
                        id: 'listBID';
                        list: #('1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6');
                        selected: numb ]
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