[Seaside] Failing test for #fromJson:

Tomas Kukol tomas.kukol at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 12:23:24 UTC 2012


I have created a test for #fromJson: message.

MJTestFromJson >> testFromJsonWithAddress
       | person address |
       person := MJTestPerson fromJson:

       self assert: person name equals:  'Tomas'.
       address := person address.
       self assert: address isNil not.
       self assert: address postalCode equals: '19800'.
       self assert: address city equals: 'Prague'.

But the test fails because it cannot find PostalCode in MJTestPerson
instace (should be probably in MJTestAddress). Is it a problem of my
#fromJson: usage or wrong implementation of JSON deserialization?

Thanks for any information.

Tomas Kukol

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