[Seaside] addLoadScript not working in JQuery Tab panes

Paul DeBruicker pdebruic at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 21:26:19 UTC 2012

I thought the tab content was loaded through an Ajax request and as such 
the onLoad event had already been fired.

Since by the time the tab content is loaded the DOM should be ready 
can't you just include the script as

html script:

rather than

html document addLoadScript: ?

On 12-03-03 12:10 PM, John Toohey wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a JQTabs object with four panes. I have a Comet script that I
> add via addLoadScript when I create the initial tab objects, and I see
> that in FireBug. However, I am now trying to add the JQUILayout script
> to a single table, using a div wrapper on that pance, but the script
> never shows up on the onLoad script for that page.
> Stepping through the debugger, I think the Canvas that my tab's
> #renderOn method gets handed is not the same as the one use to create
> all the tabs. Is there a way to add onLoad scripts from inside the tab
> panes?

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