[Seaside] Making generated links more understandable

Nick Ager nick.ager at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 15:00:05 UTC 2012

>   I am also struggling to understand why everything breaks. My nginx.conf
> file redirects to /var/www/glass for files that I refer to in my code, so I
> only put 'picture.jpg' for an image, for instance, or 'bootstrap.css', and
> it all works great. Would you call that a relative path?
>   If I put in that single addToPath line in updateUrl:
> updateUrl: aUrl
> super updateUrl: aUrl.
> aUrl addToPath: self class name
So in your render methods do you have code that looks like:

html image url:  'picture.jpg'.

If so the request url will be relative to page path, which you are
modifying by adding the class name.
I'd normally develop using a file library or external file library which
would look like:

html image url:  MyFileLibrary / #pictureJpg.

this generates html as: <img src='/files/MyFileLibrary/picture.jpg'>

which is always absolute from the root.

Have a look with the developer tools (firebug etc) to see what the request
path is


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