[Seaside] TwitterBootstrap dropdowns and submitting on change

gettimothy gettimothy at zoho.com
Thu Oct 17 20:55:29 UTC 2013

I have a tbsNavBar that I want to put buttons on and be able to disable/enable the rendering of them depending on what component is using the navBar.
For example, If I am on the Documentation component, I do not want to show a link to the Documentation component when I am on it.

In the NavBar, I initialized a couple of dictionaries--one with a selector and the other with a lable to display.

 super initialize.
 linkDisplay = Dictionary new.
 "enable all links by default"
 at: #signin put: true;
 at: #documentation put: true;
 at: #support put: true;
 at: #signup put: true.
 linkLabel = Dictionary new. 
 at: #signin put: 'Sign In';
 at: #documentation put: 'Documentation';
 at: #support put: 'Help & Support';
 at: #signup put: 'Sign Up'.

Then on render, I want to invoke a callback with a selector named what the key in the dictionary is so that this:

html tbsNavItem: [ html anchor callback: [self signup]; with: 'Sign Up' ].
html tbsNavItem: [ html anchor callback: [self documentation]; with: 'Documentation' ].
html tbsNavItem: [ html anchor callback: [self support]; with: 'Help & Support'].
html tbsNavItem: [ html anchor callback: [self signin]; with: 'Sign In']]]


linkDisplay keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | value
 ifTrue: [ 
 html tbsNavItem: [ html anchor callback: [self key]; with: (linkLabel at: key) ]]....


I am getting an error

MessageNotUnderstood: MyComponent>>key
Does anybody have a generic way to dynamically set a callback to a selector?

thx in advance

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