[Seaside] Debugging

Joachim Tuchel jtuchel at objektfabrik.de
Tue Feb 17 05:18:13 UTC 2015


Seaside ships with several error handlers (subclssses of WAErrorHandler iirc). One of them offers a link with a callback that will open a debugger in the image.

You need to configure your application to use the desired error handler. Either go to /config and use the gui or add the error handler in your code that registers your Application.

I'm not close to a Smalltalk image right now, so I can't give you concrete soudce code...


Am 17.02.2015 04:58 schrieb Laura Risani <laura.risani at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to the framework. I've read the Dynamic Web Development book, but i haven't fully understood how do you debug an app. 
> Is there a way to get the usual predebugger / debugger (on Pharo v3) when at a web browser you get errors like "Your request could not be completed. An exception occurred." ? 
> Best,
> Laura

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