[Seaside] Seaside Rest failure in Pharo4

Gareth Cox gareth at inspired.org
Mon Jun 8 11:05:47 UTC 2015


I'm having a reoccurance of an error I had that was fixed in Seaside 3.1.3.
Fresh Pharo4, load, load Rest, create handler, create method, register, 
and its not found.
Complete code to recreate below:

Gofer new
     package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';

((#ConfigurationOfSeaside3 asClass) project latestVersion) load; load: 

aClass := ((#WARestfulHandler asClass) subclass: #WATestRestAPI
     instanceVariableNames: ''
     classVariableNames: ''
     category: 'Seaside-Test-REST').

aClass compile: 'get
self requestContext
         respond: [:t1 |
             t1 contentType: ''text/plain''.
             t1 nextPutAll: ''test'']'.
(#WAAdmin asClass) register: aClass at: 'testapi'.

(((#ZnZincServerAdaptor asClass) manager: (#WAServerManager asClass) 
default) port: 4000) start.

self assert: (ZnEasy get: 'http://localhost:4000/testapi') isNotFound not
Gareth Cox
IT Manager/Developer
Inspired Org (PTY) Ltd
email: gareth at inspired.org <mailto:gareth at inspired.org>
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