[Seaside] Anonymous Component

Johan Brichau johan at inceptive.be
Wed Jan 20 22:40:23 UTC 2016


As others have mentioned, this should work as you wrote it.
The argument to replaceWith: is any renderable. This can be component but also a rendering block ( [:html | …. ] )

Just one thing:

It’s better style to write:

(html tag: ‘b’) with: [ …. ] instead of html html: ‘<b>’


> On 19 Jan 2016, at 19:11, J.F. Rick <self at je77.com> wrote:
> I'm using AJAX a decent amount with my Seaside application. One common thing is to replace an IDed element with a component using something like:
>     s << (s jQuery: #event) replaceWith: self.
> inside a "html jQuery ajax script: [ :s | ]" block.
> Is there a way to do this replacement without using a component that implements the renderContentOn: message? For instance, what could I just do to replace the #event component with this HTML: '<b>Success</b>'? I'm hoping there's something I can do along the lines of:
>     s << (s jQuery: #event) replaceWith: [ :html | 
>         html html: '<b>'.
>         html text: (self isSuccess
>             ifTrue: [ 'Success' ]
>             ifFalse: [ 'Failed' ]).
>         html html: '</b>' ].
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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