[Seaside] How to use bootstrap popover ?

Thomas Heniart heniart.thomas at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 11:59:17 UTC 2016

Hi guys,

I tried to use the bootstrap popover but unfortunately I can't make it work
and I don't know why

I work on a really simple example, just a component register with
JQDevelopmentLibrary and TBSDevelopmentLibrary.

The content of renderContentOn: is
        html script: 'initialize_popover()'.
html tbsButton
attributeAt: 'data-toggle' put: 'popover';
attributeAt: 'title' put: 'Popover test';
attributeAt: 'data-placement' put: 'right';
attributeAt: 'data-content' put: 'This is a test';
with: 'Button popover test'

And the js method initialize_popover() is define in script method of my
component with $("[data-toggle = 'popover']").popover()

And that's all

Then I load this little app, no error in the debugger but when I click on
my button, the popover doesn't appear

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't know what :/
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