[Seaside] Need some help formatting my table

Donald MacQueen dmacq at erols.com
Tue Jul 11 03:26:18 UTC 2017

I have this style method:


     ^'#table{border: 1px solid black;}
#th{    border: 1px solid black;}
#td{    border: 1px solid black;}

I have grepped the archives and googled my brains out this past two hours.

Thanks in advance.

Donald [|]

Democracy, n.:
	A government of the masses.  Authority derived through mass
meeting or any other form of direct expression.  Results in mobocracy.
Attitude toward property is communistic...  negating property rights.
Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate,
whether it is based upon deliberation or governed by passion,
prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.
Result is demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.
		-- U.S.  Army Training Manual No. 2000-25 (1928-1932),
		   since withdrawn.

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