[Seaside] Standalone package for WABuilder / WAHtmlCanvas ?

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 08:51:44 UTC 2017


Is there a ConfigurationOf ... file which loads what is needed to run
WABuilder with WAHtmlCanvas  [1] stand-alone (no need other Seaside
package loaded)  to generate HTML Seaside style?

If not which packages of the Seaside distribution would I need to load manually?

Recently there was a request on the Pharo list for this.

Thank you in advance.



 WAObject subclass: #WABuilder
	instanceVariableNames: 'fullDocument rootBlock rootClass
documentClass scriptGeneratorClass rendererClass codec actionUrl
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Seaside-Core-Rendering'

This is a convenience class which provides a result of a rendering
operation as a string. It is expected to be used like this:

 WAHtmlCanvas builder render: [ :html |
	html anchor
		url: 'htttp://www.seaside.st';
		with: 'Seaside Homepage' ]


WABuilderCanvasTest has more examples.

	| actual |
	actual := WAHtmlCanvas builder render: [ :html |
		html unorderedList: [
			html listItem: 'an item' ] ].
	self assert: actual = '<ul><li>an item</li></ul>'

	| actual |
	actual := WAHtmlCanvas builder fullDocument: true; render: [ :html |
		html unorderedList: [
			html listItem: 'an item' ] ].
	self assert: actual = '<html><head><title></title></head><body
onload="onLoad()"><ul><li>an item</li></ul><script
type="text/javascript">function onLoad(){};</script></body></html>'

	| actual |
	actual := WAHtmlCanvas builder fullDocument: true;
		rootBlock: [ :root |
			root title: 'title'.
			root stylesheet add: 'body{font-size:12px;}'.
			root javascript add: 'alert("loaded")' ];
		render: [ :html |
			html unorderedList: [
				html listItem: 'an item' ] ].
	self assert: actual =  '<html><head><title>title</title><style
onload="onLoad()"><ul><li>an item</li></ul><script
type="text/javascript">function onLoad(){};</script></body></html>'

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