[Seaside] Inlining styles in document (also: reporting)

Esteban A. Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 18:25:45 UTC 2018


I need to export an HTML document from Seaside, which is done easily by
creating a new canvas builder and rendering a full document with it.

What I'm rendering in the exported document is very similar to what's
rendered on screen without a few "interactive" elements.

The issue I face is that I should include a minimum set of CSS rules in
the .html file to produce an output that looks as close as possible to
the one displayed on screen.

I've done this manually before to send styled HTML formatted mails, but
now I'd like to integrate something like bootstrap.css. Is there a way
to do it easily? Did anybody create something to ease this?

Also: It would be useful if this HTML output could be converted to PDF
and RTF/DOC/DOCX. For PDF I found wkhtml2pdf, but I couldn't find a
command line based converter for other formats.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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