[Seaside] [ANN] MaterialDesignLite v2.0.0

Cyril Ferlicot D. cyril.ferlicot at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 00:38:04 UTC 2019


Today I released the version v2.0.0 of MaterialDesignLite for Seaside.

This release does not brings much new features but it contains all
breaking changes that accumulated in the issue tracker. (That's why it's
a major release).

The main changes are:
- Migration to Tonel (People using Gemstone might need to stick to v1.x.x)
- Removal of all deprecated classes and methods
- I added named URLs in the demo to be able to send links of pages or
- Addition of a Pagination widget as extension of MDL

A migration guide can be found here:


This release is tagged with v2.0.0 and I also introduced tags v2.x.x and
v2.0.x which are moving tags following patch and minor versions.

Here is the full changelog of the release:

If you have issues, need a new feature or have a comment on the project
feel free to open a issue:


I also updated the demo: https://mdl.ferlicot.fr/

Have a nice day!

Cyril Ferlicot

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