[Seaside] Service workers

Esteban Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 15:05:56 UTC 2019

I used Seaside-REST in the past and it is great to "complement"
existing Seaside behavior or reusing some of the code, but if you were
to build a complete app from scratch maybe Teapot/Tealight
<https://github.com/astares/tealight> is a better fit for this case,
since you remove Seaside's server adaptor "middleware" from the stack.

I don't know whether Seaside's strongest feature (stateful server side
rendering) will be a big plus for PWAs, but I'm interested in your
experience nonetheless, since these kinds of approaches are
commonplace these days and might be useful for particular "sections"
of a full-fledged Seaside app.

As for your particular question you should put a breakpoint/halt at
the different entry points:
* ZnSeasideServerAdaptorDelegate>>handleRequest:
* WAServerAdaptor>>handleRequest:
* WARequestHandler>>handleFiltered:

Or to catch any error during the request:
WAServerAdaptor default server debugMode: true


Esteban A. Maringolo

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 11:29 AM Dave <lasmiste at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys!!
> I'm playing with Seaside-REST to implement a PWA
> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_web_applications). I don't really
> know if it is feasible, but I try :-)
> The first issue I'm facing is the serviceworker, it seems it does not listen
> for fetch requests and I'm guessing because Seaside or Zinc are doing
> something under the hood.
> This is my code to register the service worker
> mainJs
>         <get>
>         <produces: 'application/javascript'>
>         ^ 'window.onload = () => {
>   "use strict";
>   if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
> *navigator.serviceWorker.register("MyApp/swJs")*.then(function(registration)
> {
>     console.log("Service Worker registered with scope:",
> registration.scope);
>   }).catch(function(err) {
>     console.log("Service Worker registration failed:", err);
>   });
>   }
> }'
> And this is the code of the serviceworker
> swJs
>         <get>
>         <produces: 'application/javascript'>
>         ^ '/* Serve cached content when offline */
> *self.addEventListener("fetch",* function(e) {
>   console.log("Fetch request for:", e.request.url);
> });'
> The serviceworker is successfully registered but I'm expecting a log entry
> every time I point to an url on my domain, unfortunately that doesn't
> happen.
> I'm mimicking the code of this example
> https://medium.com/james-johnson/a-simple-progressive-web-app-tutorial-f9708e5f2605
> even if I'm trying to further simplifying it
> Can you help me, please?
> Dave
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