[Seaside] WAApplication and WASession subclassing and expiry, again

Tim Johnson digit at sonic.net
Sun May 19 16:01:35 UTC 2019


The current recommended practice seems to be to subclass WAApplication[1][5][6] especially if one wants to handle session expiration/expiry[2].  One must then register the WAApplication as the application root, and use other tricks (override another method) to get one's component (or task) into the flow [3], it seems.  

I am a student of the HPI book[4] (since many years ago) which trains me to keep all of my application logic (model) in my custom WASession subclass.  If I am to also subclass WAApplication, am I to move all of my application logic to that instead[7]?  

I ask because I am recently dealing with the first Seaside app I have deployed to the wider internet (instead of an intranet), and sessions are not expiring, a'la [4].  They will stick around for days.  My app also seems to lock up after about 24 hours which is getting annoying.  :)     

When I look at implementors and senders of #unregistered[8], I see that perhaps I should now be subclassing WAExpirySession instead of WASession if I want my sessions to expire (or if I want to hook into the expiration process)...?  I cannot find much documentation on the net regarding WAExpirySession.

Also, I am on Seaside 3.2.2 — might it help to upgrade?


[1] https://github.com/SeasideSt/Seaside/issues/1113

[2] http://www.seaside.st/documentation/faq/how-to#254979024

[3] https://kentreis.wordpress.com/2008/01/22/ <https://kentreis.wordpress.com/2008/01/22/>

[4] http://forum.world.st/Seaside-sessions-not-being-either-unregistered-or-GCed-td4835659.html#none

[5] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43824202/catching-the-session-expiry-in-pharo-seaside-3-2

[6] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41173162/how-to-configure-seaside-3-2-session-timeouts-age

[7] http://forum.world.st/Subclass-WAApplication-td98970.html

[8] http://forum.world.st/Sharing-Seaside-URLs-between-users-security-what-is-actual-way-for-session-expiration-page-td4916451.html
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