[Seaside] Front-End developer coordination

Jupiter Jones jupiter.jones at mail.com
Mon May 27 21:10:14 UTC 2019

Hi Bruno,

> I never did what you mention but it seems a lot of work.

It’s not trivial, but with a little planning I found this worked well for larger sites.

For sites with fewer pages I found it easier to use the browser to navigate to the page I wanted the CSS dev to work on, then used the “Save As…” menu to save the page as a Web Archive. This essentially does the same things as wget for a single page.

Either way, load up the system with minimal example data. It’s best to use data “extremes” ie. if it’s a string title or label, add a short one, a typical length one, and a really long one. This way the CSS developer can take them all into account at once.

Then browse to the page and save as web archive, or open a terminal and use wget:

wget -r -l1 http://localhost:8080/MySeasideSite <http://localhost:8080/MySeasideSite>

…and you’ll get a local static version of the site for the CSS developer to work with. Note: there are many wget options that can help depending on how your site is configured so it’s definitely worth finding one that works for you.

All WAFileLibrary files will be in their appropriate relative locations (ie. ./files/SomeWAFileLibrary/<libraryRelativePathAndFileName>) so the front-end dev can correctly refer to them if required.

I get the css dev to create all their files in the location:

<siteRoot>/files/< MyFileLibraryName>/

That way, the css dev can use whatever directory structure they are comfortable with and we can upload them to a WAFileMetadataLibrary using:

MyFileLibraryName recursivelyAddAllFilesIn: ‘<pathToSiteRoot>/files/MyFileLibraryName’

…and it should be ready to go.

> /*
> /You do not want to mess with WAFileLibrary in that development workflow.../ 
> */

This is in the context of CSS development. The front-end dev could be testing minor changes 10 times a minute and if they need to upload the CSS files to a FileLibrary each time - a minutes work becomes an hour.

Obviously the best solution is for the css dev to run a local web server, and also a local Pharo/gemstone seaside server (ie. a copy of the production setup.) This way they can browse the working site to test their work. In this case, their web server should be serving their css and resources directly from <siteRoot>/files/< MyFileLibraryName>/ - exactly how it will be in production.

Once the css dev delivers you a finished version of the files, upload them to your WAFileMetadataLibrary for distribution and testing. Once it moves into production, publish the FileLibrary to disk and serve them via the HTTP server.


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