[Seaside] Hiesenbug with "unicode spew"

tty gettimothy at zoho.com
Wed Feb 19 22:47:36 UTC 2020

Hi All,

First, my apologies for the multiple posts. When I did not see my message
appear, I assumed I had messed up and reposted.

I believe that the "Unicode Spew" is a result of  the parse taking longer
than the Seaside Render loop and/or errors in the parse not being handled.

If you go here: http://menmachinesmaterials.com/WikitextParser click the
Hamburger Icon->Database->Blade Runner, it creates the unicode spew every

If I run the same parse within the image as a workspace Doit, it works just

Here is the bulky thing, it is a sub-message of renderContentOn:html

*renderParsedOn: html
	| wikiGrammar wikiParser input  actor s|

	actor := PEGWikiMediaGeneratorTables new.
	actor transcripton  
		ifTrue:[	Transcript clear].
	wikicode isNil
		ifTrue:[input := '== Welcome To WikitextParserBrowser ==']
		ifFalse:[input := wikicode].

	wikiGrammar := PEGParser grammarWikiMediaTables reading positioning. 
	wikiParser := PEGParser parserPEG parse: 'Grammar' stream: wikiGrammar
actor: PEGParserParser new.
	[[output := wikiParser parse: 'Page' stream: input actor: actor. ]
		on: Error
		do:[:ex | output := '
 Error parsing. see Wikicode tab for source 
<code>', ex description, '</code>' ]]
					s := ((output  asString copyReplaceTokens: '<body>' with:'' )
copyReplaceTokens:'</body>' with:'') .
					s := s copyReplaceAll:'>' with:'>' asTokens:false.
					s := s copyReplaceAll:'<' with:'<' asTokens:false.
					html break;break.	
					html html: s.

I think the "Render Loop" just cannot handle that call when things go south.

Thank you all for your patience and advise.

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