Debugger Stack Trace Report: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred: String does not understand new Process: Process:Dispatch worker: 13111{suspended,3} SC: 392214 Copyright: VA Smalltalk V10.0 (64-bit); Image: 10.0 [468] VM Timestamp: 4.0, 11/11/20 (110) (C) Copyright Instantiations 1994, 2020. All rights reserved. (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1994, 2006. All rights reserved. Platform: OS Version: 10.0 build 18363 Virtual machine: ES Bytecode version: 4.1 'OS' subsystem: 'WIN32s' 'CLIM' subsystem: 'ES' 'CP' subsystem: 'WIN32s' 'CLDT' subsystem: 'ES' 'CFS' subsystem: 'WIN32s' 'SCI' subsystem: 'WIN' 'CW' subsystem: 'WIN32s' 'CPM' subsystem: 'ES' 'CG' subsystem: 'WIN32s' 'CPIC' subsystem: 'WIN32s' VM Stats: millisecondGlobalGCTime: 4678 numberOfGlobalGCs: 73 timeForLastGlobalGC: 94 millisecondScavengeTime: 1904 numberOfScavenges: 6893 timeForLastScavenge: 0 Smalltalk memory status: Total allocation: 67923744 Available: 7192240 Fixed Space: 31208 New Space: 1593368 Old Space: 5598744 Command line: C:\Users\david\Documents\Instantiations\ECAP\bin64\abt.exe -i.\image64\abt.icx -ini:.\image64\abt.ini INI File: .\image64\abt.ini Processes: UIProcess:(22/01/2021 14:33:37){running,3} SC: 4728481 Process:HTTP Server Process for: http://:8080/ (1){suspended,2} SC: 74108 Process:Worker 13194{suspended,3} SC: 2 Process:Worker 13110{suspended,3} SC: 17918 Process:Dispatch worker: 13257{suspended,3} SC: 114772 Process:13272{suspended,1} SC: 7 Process:Idle 11:58:38{ready,1} SC: 102645 Process:Dispatch worker: 13255{suspended,3} SC: 655 Process:Worker 13096{suspended,3} SC: 22898 Process:Dispatch worker: 13249{suspended,3} SC: 22444 Process:Dispatch worker: 13232{suspended,3} SC: 82753 Process:Dispatch worker: 13224{suspended,3} SC: 29 Process:Dispatch worker: 13195{suspended,3} SC: 136603 Process:Worker 13095{suspended,3} SC: 33764 Process:Dispatch worker: 13170{suspended,3} SC: 286387 Process:Dispatch worker: 13111{suspended,3} SC: 392214 Process:Dispatch worker: 13108{suspended,3} SC: 1018 Process:Dispatch worker: 13107{suspended,3} SC: 85950 Process:CwAsyncIOProcess{suspended,4} SC: 889011 Process:AbtEwHoverHelpBackgroundProcess{suspended,3} SC: 313493 Disc Information: Volume Path: C: Total Space: 478809165824 Free Space: 4529373184 Percentage free: 1 % Envy Manager Information: Manager version: 4.00 Connected Library: Pathname: C:\Users\david\Documents\Instantiations\ECAP\manager\mgr1000.dat Library version: 6 Size of library: 201947568 bytes Has consistent EOF: true Acquire read locks: false Single user mode: true Server address: None Use release lock mode: false Host system name: None Native primitives library: None Emsrv primitives library: None Current user: Library Supervisor Operating System memory stats: dwMemoryLoad: 41 dwTotalPhys: 16979791872 dwAvailPhys: 9955610624 dwTotalPageFile: 19529928704 dwTotalVirtual: 140737488224256 dwAvailVirtual: 140732530405376 Graphics and Fonts: Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900 DPIScaler class: DPIScalerWin10 Scale factor: 100 Device scale factor: (96/96) CgDisplay widget font name: -microsoft-segoe ui-medium-r-normal-sans serif-13-100-96-96-p-0-iso8859-1 (default font name) System default font: -microsoft-system-bold-r-normal-sans serif-13-100-96-96-p-70-iso8859-1 Network: Hostname: DESKTOP-PI8EVQ3 IP: Open Sockets: 8 ========================= [] in ProcessorScheduler>>#yield receiver = a ProcessorScheduler EsCompactBlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#critical receiver = [] in ProcessorScheduler>>#yield ProcessorScheduler>>#yield receiver = a ProcessorScheduler ProcessorScheduler>>#enableProcessSwitches receiver = a ProcessorScheduler [] in AbtWindowSystemStartUp class(EtWindowSystemStartUp class)>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: receiver = AbtWindowSystemStartUp arg1 = '(ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred: String does not understand new' arg2 = true arg3 = 1483 blocktemp1 = Process:Dispatch worker: 13111{suspended,3} EsCompactBlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#valueWithErrorHandler:oldHandler:onReturnDo: receiver = [] in EtWindowSystemStartUp class>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: arg1 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: arg2 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: arg3 = [] EsCompactBlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: receiver = [] in EtWindowSystemStartUp class>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: arg1 = an ExceptionalEventCollection arg2 = [] in EtWindowSystemStartUp class>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: arg3 = [] in Block>>#when:do: arg4 = an Object temp1 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: temp2 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: temp3 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: EsCompactBlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#when:do: receiver = [] in EtWindowSystemStartUp class>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: arg1 = an ExceptionalEventCollection arg2 = [] in EtWindowSystemStartUp class>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: temp1 = an Object temp2 = nil AbtWindowSystemStartUp class(EtWindowSystemStartUp class)>>#reportError:resumable:startBP: receiver = AbtWindowSystemStartUp arg1 = '(ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred: String does not understand new' arg2 = true arg3 = 1483 Process>>#reportError:resumable: receiver = Process:Dispatch worker: 13111{suspended,3} arg1 = '(ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred: String does not understand new' arg2 = true temp1 = 1483 GRVASTPlatform>>#openDebuggerOn: receiver = a GRVASTPlatform arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WADebugErrorHandler)>>#open: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred WAWalkbackErrorHandler>>#openUsingDirectRendering: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred temp1 = '_debug' temp2 = nil temp3 = nil WAWalkbackErrorHandler>>#open: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred WAWalkbackErrorHandler>>#handleDefault: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WAErrorHandler)>>#handleError: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WAErrorHandler)>>#handleException: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred [] in WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WAExceptionHandler)>>#handleExceptionsDuring: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>#performAction blockarg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred BlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#valueWithErrorHandler:oldHandler:onReturnDo: receiver = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg1 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: arg2 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: arg3 = [] BlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: receiver = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg1 = Exception: (ExError) An error has occurred. arg2 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg3 = [] in Block>>#when:do: arg4 = an Object temp1 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: temp2 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: temp3 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: BlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#when:do: receiver = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg1 = Exception: (ExError) An error has occurred. arg2 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: temp1 = an Object temp2 = nil Error class(Exception class)>>#handle:do: receiver = Error arg1 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg2 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: BlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#on:do: receiver = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg1 = Error arg2 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: [] in WAWalkbackErrorHandler(WAExceptionHandler)>>#handleExceptionsDuring: receiver = a WAWalkbackErrorHandler arg1 = [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>#performAction blockarg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>#evaluate: receiver = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred arg1 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: [] in BlockContextTemplate(Block)>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: receiver = [] in WAActionPhaseContinuation>>#performAction arg1 = an ExceptionalEventCollection arg2 = [] in WAExceptionHandler>>#handleExceptionsDuring: arg3 = [] in Block>>#when:do: arg4 = an Object temp1 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: temp2 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: temp3 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: blockarg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred ExceptionalEvent>>#signalFor: receiver = Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred arg1 = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred temp1 = [] in Block>>#when:do:exitWith:retryReturn: MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>#signal receiver = Signal on Exception: (ExMessageNotUnderstood) An exception has occurred MessageNotUnderstood class(Exception class)>>#signalWith: receiver = MessageNotUnderstood arg1 = ('PStInUse (a removed class)' Message (#new, ())) String(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand: receiver = 'PStInUse (a removed class)' arg1 = Message (#new, ()) [] in WAInitialRenderLoopContinuation>>#createRoot receiver = a WAInitialRenderLoopContinuation GRSmallDictionary>>#at:ifAbsent: receiver = a GRSmallDictionary(#nativeRequest->a SstHttpServletRequest) arg1 = #rootComponent arg2 = [] in WAInitialRenderLoopContinuation>>#createRoot temp1 = 0 WARequestContext>>#rootComponentIfAbsent: receiver =