Name (was: Re: [Setools] Q2 got accepted as a Demonstration at OOPSLA)

goran at goran at
Mon Jul 31 10:10:39 UTC 2006

Hi folks!

Back from vacation and itching to go.

Hans N Beck <hnbeck at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sonar from the word itself is ideal, but it expresses not the right  
> thing - or better too few things compared to the capabilities.
> Turn we again the wheel:
> - ColManI	Collecting and Managing Issues
> - Platonica    because - like Platon's allegory of cave -   
> Requirements and Bugs are giving a picture of software, but only one  
> like the shadows give from the world for the prisoners in cave.
> now Göran (and Damien), you can pack out your further ideas :-)

I was leaning towards Yeti (YET another Issue tracker) or Seshat (or
Sashet, Egyptian goddess) but now this morning when I glanced on my name
candidates list one of the names suddenly looked quite good - not sure
why I dropped it earlier:


I like it because it is unique and short (only two syllables which makes
it easy on the lips), exotically spelled (both for english and
scandinavians actually), and has a cool history and meaning from old
nordic mythology. And there was no hit on Sourceforge nor did I see any
other open source project that jumped out from a googling.
is taken, but there are other domains.

Gjallar (or Gjallarhorn) is the horn which Mimer and Odin used to drink
from Mimer's well of wisdom and intelligence. It is also the horn used
by Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, to warn that the giants are coming
to fight the gods and the end of the world is near.

So it is both the tool used to gain wisdom and intelligence :) as well
as warn and communicate.

regards, Göran

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