[Setools] Ways to extends OB-Standard

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at laposte.net
Tue Oct 17 18:36:13 UTC 2006


I'm working on two packages, each currently overriding an existing 
method. Is there a solution to avoid this ?

First Case : DynamicProtocols. It overrides 
OBCodeBrowser>>addTo:class:comment:metaclass: adding a call to the 
following method at the end:

DynamicProtocols>>installDPOnClass: class metaClass: metaclass method: 
"Install our dynamic protocol system in OmniBrowser"
   | protocols |
   protocols := OBMetaNode named: 'DynamicProtocols'.
   class childAt: #dynamicProtocols put: protocols.
   metaclass childAt: #dynamicProtocols put: protocols.
      childAt: #methods put: method;
      addActor: (OBNodeActor onNodeClass: OBMethodCategoryNode)

(not sure if what I do is correct).

Second Case : FileOutClasses. This package just want to add 2 entries in 
the action menu for classes, methods and protocols. I may be able to use 
services or prefix a method with 'svc' as I read through your comments.

Can you explain me what are the best solutions please ?


Damien Cassou

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