[Setools] Confirm an issue please.

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 21:21:00 UTC 2007


I have an issue with viewing a case in remote magma setup.
While in local magma setup all works just fine (in single image), but
when i starting two images i got DNU's like:
MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>key

it appears in  Q2AssociationField>>renderViewControlOn: html component: fc
because cache is nil.
I investigated a problem and found, that field unable to read a value
from case instance and returns nil values as default (so
fieldcomponent case = nil).

By placing a break in
Q2AssociationField>>valueFromTarget: aTarget ifAbsent: aBlock

and tracing it, i found that accessor is unable to send message to
case instance because it returns false from #respondsTo: message.

What is more strange is, that this happens following code to break:

Q2SelectorAccessor>>valueFromTarget: aTarget ifAbsent: aBlock
	^ (aTarget respondsTo: selector) ifTrue: [ aTarget perform: selector
] ifFalse: [ self break. aBlock value ]

while aTarget is Q2Case instance and selector = #responsibleUserAndRole.

And by entering in debugger and evaluating  aTarget respondsTo:
selector is returns true!!!

I think something is wrong with maMutatingProxy when accessor object
first time used to get value, its still is mutating proxy object and
#mutateAndSend: message. And something not working in this context.
After mutating everything works ok, but what makes Q2Case instance
respond false to first #respondsTo: message?
I will continue debugging trying to figure out.. Maybe a 'selector'
ivar in Q2SelectorAccessor is not reified correctly..

Btw, Levente i downloaded image from test2 (MagmaCounter.1.image),
which you saying 'works fine'.. And guess what? It not working.
So, please, confirm an issue or explain, what  im doing wrong?? :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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