[SoC] Re: Squeak's Summer of Code applications: 25 students, 34 submissions

Giovanni Corriga giovanni at corriga.net
Wed Mar 28 07:02:25 UTC 2007

Il giorno mar, 27/03/2007 alle 20.13 -0700, Andrew P. Black ha scritto:
> My contacts suggest that we might get 3 or perhaps 4 slots, based on
> previous years.  Google apparently uses a formula based on a number of
> factors, which they don't disclose.

On the #summer-discuss IRC channel people developed many different
theories on how the number is determined, including:

- the Google admin roll a d20 and add the Stamina modifier.
- the actual formula involves the square root of -pi.
- they put each application in a closed box with a cat, then the newest
Google intern opens it; if the application is not torn to pieces, it is
- the accepted applications are derived from a solution to the
Poisson-Boltzmann equation.

Speaking seriously, I think the accepted/submitted ratio will be around
1/10 . Thus the 3/4 figure from Andrews's contacts.


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