[SoC] topics

Giovanni Corriga giovanni at corriga.net
Fri Mar 30 12:46:14 UTC 2007

Il giorno gio, 29/03/2007 alle 11.17 -0500, Ralph Johnson ha scritto:
> The proposals tend to fall into several categories, and there are some
> proposals that are very similar.  There are in fact five proposals
> (from four people) that propose adding a module to Seaside to make it
> like Ruby on Rails.  I think that this topic has the biggest potential
> to make an impact.  Seaside is powerful, but it is not easy to learn
> for people who do not already know Smalltalk well.  If there was a
> "Seaside on Sails" that was as easy to learn as Ruby on Rails, Seaside
> (and Squeak) could really take off.
> It looks to me like these proposals are being overlooked by the
> mentors, perhaps because none of us are web developers or have used
> Ruby on Rails.  I haven't use it either, but I have read the
> documentation and I can see why it has made such a big impact.  I'd
> love to see Squeak capture some of that market.  So, I urge mentors to
> read these proposals and to vote on them.

The Sails idea was proposed by Stef; I hijacked it and gave it a more
detailed form. I have some experience with Rails, so I can be mentoring
the students who apply for the Sails projects.


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