[SoC] Squeak Mentor Summit?

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Tue Apr 8 00:12:35 UTC 2008

And a summary of our final pre-application deadline meeting:

Attendance was pretty good with two new attendees: Aik-Siong Koh and
Toon Verwaes.  Also in attendance were Giovanni Corriga, Janko Mivsek,
Adrian Kuhn, Esteban Lorenzano, Klaus Witzel, and Mathieu Suen.

There was a little discussion of how co-mentoring would work.  Google
only allows us to specify a primary mentor, beyond that it is up to each
project to manage backup mentors to it's own satisfaction.

We then went through a handful of applications received in the last
24-48 hours.

Mathieu asked about students updating applications and Giovanni pointed
out that after the application deadline only comments can be added.

There was then considerable discussion about whether PhD students should
be given the same support as undergraduate (and perhaps Master)
students.  Some were of the opinion that PhD students tended to have
other funding sources and so were less in need of this source of
funding.  For now it was decided that each mentor is free to vote with
this in mind and make their own decision.  Further discussion on this
topic is possible, even likely.

At the moment there are no other meetings scheduled.  I suspect it would
be a good idea to have at least one meeting prior to the end of the
first round of voting on the 15th and another during the second round of
voting.  If anyone has any preferences on the scheduling of these
meetings please voice them.

I have text logs of all three meetings so far, if anyone would like a
copy, please let me know.


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