Idling on high -- an event driven Squeak?

Louise Penberthy lpenbert at
Sun Apr 19 19:36:43 UTC 1998

At 02:14 PM 4/19/98 -0500, Paul Fernhout wrote:
>Tom Morgan wrote:
>> -I notice that the image 'idles on high', so to speak,
>> on the Unix machine. 
>> Has anyone given this any thought, especially for headless operation?
>> I can spend some time on this, but I need some pointers into marrying
>> some OS event handling to the interpreter loop.
>Tom -
>There was talk on reducing idle cpu useage issue many months back and
>the solutions seemed to focus on tuning how much Squeak slept while
>polling for events. Especially with the new code for network semaphores
>and such, I think people were able to get idle processing down to less
>than 10% or so. Someone working on a Squeak web server could probably
>give more details and the current state of affairs.

If anyone has more information on this, I'd be very interested to know it.
I'm running Squeak to support a Swiki on an Indy, and CPU use is very high.
 I'd like my Hypermedia students to use a Swiki, but the Indy also serves
as Web server for a number of Web sites for courses (including my own!).
So CPU use is important.

-- Louise 

Louise Penberthy
Visiting Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA  U.S.A.
(770) 499-3402
lpenbert at

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