Bug: Format exits with unlocked model

Gerardo Richarte gr at fuzzy.uba.ar
Mon Apr 13 03:41:22 UTC 1998

Leandro dijo:

>Gerardo Richiarte wrote:
>> The problem is in ParagraphEditor>>dispatchOnCharacter:with:, I have
>>already posted a BugFix for version 1.23, but the bug was back in v1.3x.
>>is the (updated) Fix:
>Using your fix I still find the following problem:
>1. Clic on a selector in the browser (assume the method isn't formatted)
>2. Shift-clic and format the method's code
>3. Press Command-S to save the version just formatted
>then the method's pane flashes and the formated version is not saved :-(
>Also I've inserted a #halt in the middle of your patch: <self halt
>The halt gets evaluated only when I press Command-S, but not when I accept
>from the popup menu. I'm using 1.31 on Windows.

	After tracing the problem I realised that it was in
BrowserCodeController>>format, the problem was that this method restored the
locking status (it says if anything has changed) of the model befor
exiting: As you can't format without saving previusly, you allways
entered BCC>>format with model unlocked, and after formating, this
method changed model back to unlocked. Here's a fix:

'From Squeak 1.3 of Jan 16, 1998 on 13 April 1998 at 12:33:46 am'!

!BrowserCodeController methodsFor: 'menu messages' stamp: 'r++ 4/13/98 00:33'!
	"Reformat the contents of the receiver's view, formatted, if the view is   
	| selectedClass aCompiler newText locked savedSelection |
	savedSelection _ startBlock stringIndex.
	locked _ model isLocked.
	model messageListIndex = 0 | locked ifTrue: [^ view flash].
	selectedClass _ model selectedClassOrMetaClass.
	Cursor execute
			[aCompiler _ selectedClass compilerClass new.
			self deselect; selectInvisiblyFrom: 1 to: paragraph text size.
			newText _ aCompiler
						format: model contents
						in: selectedClass
						notifying: self.
			"(self selection string beginsWith: newText)"
			"r++: I think that this line commented above should"
			"	be decommented for better functionallity, but"
			"	it'll be slower. "
			"	delete this lines after reading them"
			newText == nil
				ifFalse: 	[self replaceSelectionWith: (newText asText makeSelectorBoldIn: selectedClass).
					self selectAt: savedSelection.
					locked _ true	"r++ 4/13/98 00:32	Fix: After formating you couldn't save"]].
	locked ifFalse: [self unlockModel]! !

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